Purchase Agreement

Pixie Stixs Purchase Agreement

This agreement between_________________________(buyer) and Pixie Stixs Cattery(seller)is effective on the date of __________________. Buyer agrees to buy, and seller agrees to sell below described cat/kitten.

Buyers Name(print)_________________________________________________________________
Signature of buyer__________________________________________________________________

Address___________________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Breed__________________________ Date of Birth_____________________Sex_______________

Purchase Price $____________Deposit $___________Balance $______________
***Separate additional transportation fee of $75.00 will be due prior to leaving ONLY if your cat/kitten requires transpotation to the airport.***

Name of Seller-Pixie Stixs Cattery_____________________________________________________
Phone________________________________ Email_______________________________________

1) A non-refundable deposit of $________________ is required for purchase of above cat/kitten to be made with in 48 hours. Should the buyer neglect to make the deposit with in the 48 hour period following the origination of this contract, the cat/kitten will no longer be available to this buyer. It is understood to the seller that the buyer is declining the purchase of this cat/kitten and the cat/kitten will be made available to a new buyer. Should buyer after paying deposit, decide against the purchase the deposit is for forfeited. The deposit is for husbandry, medical expenses and loss of sale. The deposit ensures the cat/kitten will not be sold to anyone else. The deposit amount is applied toward the purchase price. Initials_____________________

2) Deposits are NON refundable. All sales are final. No refunds, No returns, No exchanges, except what is outlined in this agreement. Initials_____________________

3) Buyer is aware there will be an additional transport fee of $75.00 above the purchase price due prior to leaving, should transportation to the airport be required. Initials_____________________

4) Cat/kitten will receive prior to purchase : age appropriate vaccines, microchip, negative fecal, tested and found negative for FELV/FIV, microchip, spay/neuter. Cat/kitten will be examined by a licensed veterinarian and an official State of Georgia Department of AG Certificate of Inspection will accompany each cat/kitten. Initials_____________________

5) Spay/ neuter : All reasonable attempts will be made to have the cat/kitten spayed/neutered before the date of pick up. In the event this does not occur FOR ANY REASON this does not change or negate the stipulations set out in this contract( the purchase price does not change). Absolutely NO breeding rights are given. The owner will be notified and will assume the responsibility of having the cat/kitten spayed/neutered by 6 months of age( a certificate of spay/neuter is required to be provided from a licensed veterinarian by the buyer to the seller as proof), failure to do so will void any warranty set out in this agreement. Initials_____________________

6) Seller assumes NO responsibility for any veterinarian/medical expenses after purchase. Initials_____________________

7) Buyer will be notified once the kitten is weaned and examined by a license veterinarian of the State of Georgia and ready to leave sellers home. The cat/kitten must be paid in full prior leaving. Seller excepts payments for the cat/kitten. Buyer must pick up cat/kitten within two weeks of the date of the Health Certificate and being notified. Failure to pick up cat/kitten within 14 day grace period will result in a cost/ boarding fee of $25 per day additional fee for NO more than 7 days. Failure to pick up the cat/kitten at the end of the 7 days will result in void of contract and all monies paid by buyer will be forfeit (no exceptions/no refunds) Initials____________________

8) The seller guarantees the cat/kitten against lethal genetic or congenital defects which is life threatening and incurable for one year from the date of birth. Seller will replace cat/kitten at seller's earliest convenience from this cattery. No refunds are given. Initials_____________________

9) If seller cannot sell the cat/kitten buyer has reserved for any reason, such as discovery of severe medical deficit, injury, or any condition that renders the cat/kitten unfit or sale, seller will refund all monies received from buyer(including deposit). Buyer does have the option to transfer monies to the next available cat/kitten. The seller reserves the right to decline/with drawl any sale for any reason, seller will notify the buyer the sale has been terminated and seller will refund all monies received from buyer( including deposit). Initials_____________________

10) The seller guarantees the cat/kitten to be in good health at the time of purchase and for a period of 72 hours. Buyer is advised to take cat/kitten to their licensed veterinarian during this 72 hour period. Within that 72 hour period if the cat/kitten is found seriously medically deficient ( a condition that is life threatening and incurable) and is deemed as unfit for sale, seller will refund purchase price, under the following conditions: A) The seller is provided with proper documentation from a licensed veterinarian stating the serious medical issue with diagnosis rendering the cat/kitten unfit for sale. B) If the cat/kitten is found seriously medically deficient, buyer must notify seller within 24 hours of discovery. Failure to make this report will void this warranty. Initials ____________________

11) This contract agreement is binding to this buyer and this seller and is non-transferable. By signing this agreement buyer agrees with the terms and conditions. Any legal action taken will be paid by the buyer and will take place in the county the seller resides in the State of Georgia.

12) Special conditions (*)____________________________________________________________________
Initials ____________________

Acknowledgment of deposit paid and acceptance of contract

Buyer and seller signatures that appear immediately below indicate that the seller has received the deposit and the buyer has agreed to the terms of this contract. This portion serves as a buyers receipt of deposit. In signing this contract, the buyer acknowledges that he/she has read, fully understands and agrees to ALL terms and conditions stated above.

Name of buyer (print)_______________________________________________________________
Signature of buyer____________________________________Date__________________________

Name of seller (print)________________________________________________________________
Signature of seller____________________________________Date___________________________

Transfer of Ownership of cat/kitten and receipt of Sale

Buyer and seller signatures that appear immediately below indicate the cat/kitten has been sold and is now the physical property of the buyer.

Name of buyer (print)_______________________________________________________________
Signature of buyer_____________________________________Date__________________________

Name of seller (print)________________________________________________________________
Signature of seller______________________________________Date_________________________